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Charging infrastructure: What you need to know about the Charging Station Ordinance

Everything is in order! Since Directive 2014/94/EU came into force, the Directive has been transposed into German law in 2016 by the so-called Charging Station Ordinance (LSV). The LSV is a regulation issued by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the specifications of which are intended to accelerate the expansion of charging stations in Germany and thus create legal certainty.

The Ordinance for the Transport Transition

Everything is in order! Since Directive 2014/94/EU came into force, the Directive has been transposed into German law in 2016 by the so-called Charging Station Ordinance (LSV). The LSV is a regulation issued by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the specifications of which are intended to accelerate the expansion of charging stations in Germany and thus create legal certainty.

Short digression

On 22 October 2014, the European Parliament and the European Council agreed on Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure. It aims to promote the expansion of charging infrastructure in all member states and to ensure uniform standards of charging solutions. The directive called on each EU member state to develop its own national plans.

The Charging Station Ordinance in general obliges operators of parking lots with more than 20 parking spaces to equip at least one of them with a charging station. In urban and rural areas, this measure is intended to promote electric mobility equally. In addition, the ordinance sets uniform standards. These can be found in the accessibility of the charging station as well as in the usability and transparency of the charging infrastructure. It came into force on 17 March 2016 and has been amended several times since then.

Now let's take a closer look at the Charging Station Ordinance – we will find the answers to your questions.

Is my charging station accessible and barrier-free?

Charging points are publicly accessible if the parking lot belonging to the charging point can actually be used, unless the operator has restricted use at the charging point to an individually determined group of people by means of clearly visible marking or signage (Section 2 No. 5 LSV).

To ensure that people with disabilities can also use e-mobility independently and independently, the prerequisite for this is an infrastructure that is as barrier-free as possible. Here you will find all the requirements for a barrier-free charging infrastructure. For the accessibility of the charging facility, there must be unhindered access. For people with limited motor skills, step-free accessibility of the charging device is required, among other things. The width of the passage must be at least 0.90 m. The frontal and lateral accessibility of the charging point is ensured by movement areas of at least 1.50 x 1.50 m and thus also the accessibility of the control element with e.g. a wheelchair.


The Accessibility Enhancement Act (BFSG) implements Directive (EU) 2019/882 of the European Parliament and of the Council on accessibility requirements for products and services. From 28 June 2025, mandatory requirements regarding usability by people with disabilities will apply to products and services.

Are there clear markings on my charging station?

Transparent labelling is crucial to enable users of charging stations to easily identify and use. The LSV therefore stipulates that all relevant information, including prices, must be clearly visible and easily understandable in order to ensure transparency.

Has my charging station been built according to uniform standards?

Eine transparente Kennzeichnung ist entscheidend, um den Nutzenden der Ladestationen eine einfache Identifizierung und Nutzung zu ermöglich. In der LSV wird demnach vorgeschrieben, dass alle relevanten Informationen, einschließlich der Preise, gut sichtbar und leicht verständlich gekennzeichnet werden, um die Transparenz zu gewährleisten.

Muss ich die Ladestation melden und registrieren?

Definitiv! Betreibende von Ladestationen müssen ihre Ladepunkte bei der Bundesnetzagentur melden und registrieren. Dies dient zur Übersichtlichkeit und erleichtert die Planung für zukünftige Entwicklungen.

The most important facts about the reporting obligation:

  • Register each wallbox with your grid operator!
  • Please note that charging stations from 11kW of power require an additional permit!
  • By making it mandatory, you prevent the power grid from being overloaded!

Where is my data?

The regulation of data access in the LSV ensures that users and operators of electric vehicles and charging stations have access to all relevant charging data. This is intended to maintain transparency and also enables optimized use of the charging infrastructure.

All good things come in threes!

The Third Ordinance Amending the Charging Station Ordinance has been in force since 1 July 2023. Here we have summarized the most important key points for you:

Uniform payment system for spontaneous charging

Contactless payments must be offered using major credit and debit cards to facilitate spontaneous charging. Applies to charging points that have been put into operation or made accessible to the public from 01 July 2024.

Standardized data interface

From 1 March 2022, newly installed charging stations must have a standardised interface to transmit standard information and dynamic data such as operational readiness and occupancy status.

Type 2 vehicle coupling at normal charging points

Normal charging points up to 22 kilowatts (kW) may now only be equipped with a type 2 vehicle coupling.

Definition of public accessibility

Physical barriers are no longer mandatory. Clear signage is enough to restrict access.

Notifications and competencies

The newly installed charging points no longer have to be reported to the Federal Network Agency at least four weeks before commissioning. With the innovations, the notification must now be made no later than two weeks after commissioning. This adaptation will shorten the time between the installation and notification of the charging stations. At the same time, the innovation gives the Federal Network Agency the right to order the decommissioning of charging stations and can demand retrofitting if technical specifications are not met.

The Charging Station Ordinance is an important factor in the promotion of electromobility and charging infrastructure. It creates the necessary framework conditions and achieves acceptance of electric vehicles. The LSV promotes an efficient, transparent and easily accessible expansion of the charging infrastructure and influences the transport turnaround in a positive sense. Do you have any further questions? We would be happy to advise you personally on this topic. Our e-mobility experts are happy to be HERE for you.

By the way, HERE you can find the current amendment to the Charging Station Ordinance (LSV).

source : Charging infrastructure: What you need to know about the Charging Station Ordinance (

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